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What is this site all about?

This site is going to help you in making aware about the Technology and guide you to solve some common issue related to computer.

What will you get in signing up in this site? 

You will get all the basic updates in your email, so that you won't missed any troubleshooting guide or steps.

How will you  join?

You have to click on Join this site on my site and you will get all the update in your email related to this site

What are benefit this site provide you ?

The benefit are as follows:

1. If your computer is getting hang or some other issue is happening on your computer. You can get the solution then and there from this site by just following the steps in this site.

2. Get all the important software link from this site to download.

3. If you have any computer issue which is not there in this site. You can email me the issue and you can get the online support within a day

4. There are many tips and tricks added in this site to help you in providing quick solution.

5. If you want any changes to be done in this site you can email me in to make this site more helpful to you.

How to send

We welcome you to provide you a  proper resolutions

What to send in the email:

1. Issue: (Please describe me the problem you are facing in your computer with the error message)

2. Operating system (which operating system you are using like window xp, window 7 . etc.)

3. Since from when you are facing this issue


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